Susan Polgar Institute for Chess Excellence (SPICE)
The Susan Polgar Foundation
and the Knight Raiders present
8th “Get Smart! Play Chess!” Fall Scholastic Chess Championship
Saturday, September 24, 2011
A 4 Round Swiss System Tournament (Game/30)
Event Site: Science Spectrum, 2579 S. Loop 289 Lubbock, TX
Contact Info: 806-742-7742 E-mail: Spice@ttu.edu
Description of Tournament: A USCF rated Individual and Team Scholastic Championship
Games are played in five sections: Primary (K-2), Elementary (K-5), Middle School (K-8), High School (K-12) and Novice section K-12 (no USCF membership required). There is a total of 30 minutes maximum per player per game.
On-site registration and check in 8:30am-9:30am. All players must check in by 9:45am. Later arrival will receive a ½ point bye for the first round.
Round schedule: 10:15am -11:30am-1:15pm and 2:30pm
UIL Invitational Puzzle-Solving at 12:30pm.
Entry Fees: $10 received by 9/16; $15 received by 9/22, or on site $20. A valid USCF membership required in all sections, except Novice K-12. It can be obtained at www.uschess.org or onsite on 9/24 until 10am. The entry for the UIL Puzzle Solving is $5.
Prizes: Trophies for top 3 finishers in each section. Trophies to top 3 school teams in each section.
Special valuable chess prizes to the top overall finisher in each section sponsored by the Susan Polgar Foundation! Team prizes are based on the top 3 individual scores from the same school within the same section. Also special trophy for top Sibling, top Parent/Child and top Coach/Student teams. Prize giving ceremony will be held shortly after the end of the last game which is around 3:45pm.
Chess boards and sets will be provided. Bring a chess clock if you have one.
Please register at www.spice.ttu.edu (and then click on Events on the left hand side) or send Entry Blank and Fees to TTU-SPICE send to: SPICE Box 45080 Lubbock, TX 79409-5080.
Entry Form 9-24-11: Please PRINT all information and make check/money order to TTU-SPICE.
Name: _________________________ Phone: (_____) ________School___________
Address: __________________________ City/State: ____________ Zip:_________
Email: ________________________________ DOB: ______Section_____________
USCF Rating (if any) _____USCF ID#:______ Amount Enclosed (No cash, please) $_____
Sibling Team____Parent/Child Team____ Student/Coach Team___ Bye request R1 R2 R3 R4
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